Coming to the City of Utica
in the Spring of 2022
Bring a soil sample in a zip top plastic bag and we will screen it for lead!
Learn How to Collect a Sample
Anytime online
FREE Collection Kits will be
available in April 2022
Utica City Hall, 1 Kennedy Plaza, Utica
Utica Public Library, 303 Genesee Street, Utica
HomeOwnershipCenter, 1611 Genesee Street, Utica
CCE Oneida County, 121 Second Street, Oriskany
There will be information on:
Your screening results
Locations for blood lead level testing
Best practices to avoid lead exposure
Tips to garden safely
Healthy nutrition and recipes
Resources to address household lead hazards

Collecting a Single Soil Sample
Step 1: Identify an area to take your soil sample.
Step 2: Collect Soil - For a large area, collect soil from 5-10 random spots in that area.
For a small area, collect soil from 3 random spots.
Note: For garden areas collect all soil from 6-8 inches below the surface.
For non-garden/play areas collect all soil from 1-2 inches below the surface.
Step 3: Combine soil and mix well in clean container.
Step 4: Remove pebbles, rocks, twigs, and roots, then air dry.
Note: Do not use a flame, oven or hairdryer to dry the soil.
Step 5: Transfer 1 - 2 cups of the mixed soil into a clean one-quart zip top plastic bag.
Note: For more than one sample, repeat steps 1-5. Clean your container between samples.
Limit of 3 sample bags/person. Samples for screening only. Must be turned in by 3 pm for time to process.